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This scene -- the entire film -- was written for River Phoenix, and the author was fortunate enough to hear the actor read the scene, long before the other version of the classic with DiCaprio was begun or made. The Director finished the film as a homage to the young star. Nick Richert was given the role after River's death, and did a marvelous job. He was cast not only because he could act, and had studied Shakespeare at Berkley, but because he had a pure heart, like River.

Dana Barron is tremendous as Valliere.

Here the young King Philipe, who has been imprisoned for years by his brother and never been as close to a woman since as this moment, speaks of his
"double life," but it is not the kind often referred to as River's "double life." The author knows that River did not truly lead a different life, except as his talent and imagination and dreams set him apart from all others.

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